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United Kingdom
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Posted - 29 October 2017 :  3:35:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry once again. I had already typed you a few lines two or three minutes ago, but I had to nip back downstairs to answer someone who had rung our bell 'cos Liz had gone down to the Uplands to do a bit of shopping. The strangers wanted to know how to get to Dylan Thomas' birthplace. They sounded like Yanks. It's not unusual, loads of people have asked the same thing over the past 40/50 years.
Well, the weather is not too bad at the moment, a bit nippy, let's hope it stays this way up to Christmas.
I had a disappointing bit of news on here last Wednesday, it really has me worried. My main supplier of my computer programming AOL is changing their system, and are asking me to change my way of routing by filling a new form, if I wished, and to pay a monthly sum of money. Well, I don't fancy that, that's for sure. If I don't change things then I will lose e-mail, and most of my computing, including this site and many others. It's buggered things up for me. I told Pauline to spread the news about it. Hope things turn out OK in the end.
Right then, go get the bag. It's a Guinness this week, Bwmp! And 4 Teasers, and a pack of After Eights. Hope you caught the lot. Ho! Ho! Ho!
Take care pal, go easy on the old Rover.
See you next Sunday.

Spanish problems now. What the hell next, eh!

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Posted - 29 October 2017 :  4:23:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Waht dose 4UBN8T maeen

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Posted - 29 October 2017 :  4:26:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Teh teim om heer/s goen wormg agiamn

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 29 October 2017 :  5:47:00 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was going to ask the same question myself Roberto, I saw the title of this thread was 4UBN8T and I wondered what the heck does that mean? I thought it might be a coded message or something

Is'nt it funny how so many Americans seem to be obssessed with Dylan Thomas! I ca'nt say I was ever a big fan of him myself, remember reading some of his stuff in my schooldays and I thought a lot of it was very morbid and depressing He seemed to write a lot of stuff about death

Sorry to hear about your computer problem Fussy, I ca'nt say I understand much about all that myself, but I hope you can manage to get it sorted out, we do'nt want to lose you again

Weather's calmed down a bit now, it's been dry for the past two days at least and the wind's died down, knowing this country it probably won't last though I heard on the news that about 75% of the baby seals along the west coast have been lost due to the storms, which is very sad Also heard that a lot of octopuses have been found on beaches in Cardiganshire

Well thanks for this weeks treats Fussy , better pay my respects to facebook now I suppose. Hope you get the AOL thing sorted out (whatever it means ) and hopefully you'll still be here next week

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 29 October 2017 :  5:49:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
See what you mean about the time Bob, it says my message was posted at 17.47 but the clock here says 16.47, so this site is an hour fast. I expect somebody forgot to put the clocks back last night

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Posted - 05 November 2017 :  11:06:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry. Oooooh! It's blooming cold here this morning, and there's been a warning of heavy snow this last week, but no sign of it so far, perhaps we won't see any snow because the weather forecasting hasn't been all that accurate recently.
I haven't had any more threats from AOL, not so far anyway, so I hope I will be able to carry on as usual 'cos I've been on it since 1998.
Well, what a carry-on eh! This sexuality problem is headline news every day now, some of it probably true, but I wouldn't be atall surprised if some of it is false, so that certain people can be sacked from their job. Ho! Ho! Ho! Nothing surprises me these days, there are crafty crooks around every corner, you can't even trust a slice of bacon or a chicken salad these days.
Right then, go get a bag or a cardboard box. Here goes, 2 cans of Guinness for 4 Teasers, and a small pack of Ferrero Rocher.
Hope you caught the lot. Our secret transfer of goods, on line. WOW!
Take care pal, hope it doesn't get too cold for you in your early mornings. I'm damn sure I couldn't get out of bed as early as you pal.

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 05 November 2017 :  5:00:07 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good afternoon Fussy pleased to hear that AOL have'nt hijacked you yet, hope you manage to carry on without any more problems.

We've had some very cold weather here too, mainly in the mornings or at night, had some nice sunny spells for the past couple of days, but even when the sun's shining it's not giving out much heat. Never mind, only another 6 and a 1/2 weeks till the shortest day of the year and then we'll be heading towards Spring again And only 7 weeks to go to Christmas, 7 weeks today will be Christmas eve, I ca'nt believe how fast the year has gone

Yea, these stories about sexual abuse seem to be spreading like a rash lately and some of them do seem to be hard to believe. If any of these women really ere assaulted them I'm on their side all the way, but I also think there are some types out there who might be jumping on the bandwagon to try and make themselves some cash. The trouble is that the ones that lie make it more difficult for the ones who are telling the truth .

Oh well, better pop across to facebook now, before heading home, I promised to light a few fireworks for the kids before bed. Thanks for the goodies, hope to see you next week.

PS I think you could take Bob's birthday banner down now, or are you leaving it up ready for next year

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 12 November 2017 :  11:30:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry. Funny old weather innit, icy cold one minute, then raining for about 10 minutes, then stormy wind for two or three minutes and the sun appearing for 10 seconds here and there. And we were warned ten days ago that the perishing hurricane was going to throttle us. Weather forecasting has been a bit dodgy recently.
Remembrance days yesterday and today, very heart rending time for millions of people.
Still a busy time for Pauline these days, I pop in to Facebook now and again and I can't help having a giggle now and again after reading her reports of the actions of Meg and Moll. They certainly are a handful, with all the pranks they get up to, but Pauline absolutely loves them.
They're a handful of pranks around the house, and outside, but it would be a lonely life for Pauline without them.
Go get your bag then, for me to drop your treats into. Here goes, 4 Teasers for the special ones, one can of Guinness for the boss Ho! Ho! Ho! and a box of After Eights for your 'better half'. Hope my treats are not causing weight increase.
Take care pal, see you next Sunday.

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 12 November 2017 :  4:52:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A very good afternoon to you Fussy although it's not all that good I must admit because it's flipping raining again Still, could be worse I suppose, however bad the weather gets in this country we've got it pretty easy compared to some parts of the world.

There seems to be a lot of argy-bargy around these days about people wearing poppies for remembrance day, some people saying they glorify war and some saying we should all wear white poppies instead to represent peace. I think they're all missing the point of what the red poppy really means, but there's no point arguing with them so I just carry on wearing my red poppy same as always.

Yea Molly and Meg get up to some tricks do'nt they I'm almost falling off my chair some weeks reading about the things they've done They're a nice looking pair though and collies are very intelligent, they're still youngsters, I'm sure they'll calm down eventually as they get a bit older

Well better go and show myself on facebook now I suppose. Thanks for the goodies Fussy, I think the missis is safe with the Afrer Eights, she runs around so much she does'nt have a chance to put on a lot of weight - but if she gets worried about it I can always offer to help her out by eating a few of them myself

Take care and see you next week I hope

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Posted - 19 November 2017 :  2:42:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry. Still dodgy weather pal. Hope it doesn't get very cold for you in the early morning start of your daily slog, 'cos you are not 18 any more, you are knocking-on a bit now.
I was just looking at an ad' on the telly before coming up here to drop you a few lines. It was an ad' by the RSPCA about the unending cruelty to animals. How the hell can these cruel b******s ill treat such defenceless lovable animals. It's so upsetting to see the frightened creatures, and thank God many of them are rescued and brought back to a reasonable state of health. After all I have seen in my past, I would have changed the law, and made it a damn sight more effective than the present law, by making it a lifetime in prison, or even the D P.
My computer problem was sorted out last Monday. I had to call in a chap from the makers of this computer. It was so difficult that the average chap like myself could not have done the job (even I've had a computer since 1998) It even took him almost an hour to sort out the problem.
Right then, go get your bag. Here goes, Bwmp, a can of Guinness. Now for 4 Teasers, and a small Ferrero Rocher for your 'better half'. Ho! Ho! Ho! I bet she'll be glad to be called 'better half'.

Take care pal, keep the Rover plodding along.
See you next Sunday

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 19 November 2017 :  4:43:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How do Fussy Definately been a miserable week here weather wise, one fine day on Friday but most of the time just rain, rain and more rain. I'd take cold over this endless rain any day, it's damn hard to get any work done when your up to your knees in mud all the flipping time

Yea I get upset by all this cruelty to animals, I'd like to catch these b******s and give them a bloody good hammering But I do'nt know what to think about the RSPCA these days, I've heard some iffy things about them lately, not sure whether to believe them or not, but it seems that everybody is under suspicion these days.

Glad you got your computer troubles sorted out. I would'nt be able to do anything if it was me, I can switch one on and switch it off and I've learned how to post photos and links, but that's about it. When it comes to the complicated stuff I'm lost

Time to go and check up on facebook now I guess. Thank you for the "magic" goodes Look after yourself until I see you mext week

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Posted - 26 November 2017 :  1:25:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry.
Ooooooh! It's cold here today, I just swept the path alongside our little garden here this morning and I'm certain it's the coldest we've had this year. I bet you feel it damn colder when you start early in the morning, eh!
Just heard on the radio before I came up here, 2 men in their twenties and 2 youngsters killed in a stolen car crash. What the hell's going on, nothing but killings, cruelty to animals and young children, and yesterday the IS killings of 305 people praying in that beautiful Mosque. I can't remember in my lifetime the most devastating killings etc etc that go on these days, except of course the World Wars. Listening to the news on radio and TV these days is heart breaking.
Anyway, on a happier note,...go get your 'catchy' bag.
Here goes, Bwmp, a Guinness again, and now for...4 Teasers, Splotch.
And not forgetting....a box of After Eights...Wooooof. Ho! Ho! Ho!
I'm spoiling you aye. Hope you caught the lot.
Take care pal, keep the ol Rover rolling on. Can you imagine what life will be like when driverless and electric cars are the norm. WOW!

Glad that Pauline's got a full time job looking after Megan and Molly.

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Posted - 03 December 2017 :  3:29:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry. Sorry Larry but this has to be a shortie. We've got 2 of our families here, visiting us as a pre Christmas get together, 11 of them and us 2 is a houseful as you can guess.
Not to worry, I've got your treats ready, so go get your bag. Here goes, Blwmp, that's a Guinness, now for 4 Treats, plotch. And not forgetting your 'better half' it's a large Ferrero Rocher, they were reduced in price this week, flop. Hope you caught the lot.
Take care pal, see you next Sunday.

BTW, didn't see you last Sunday. Hope you're OK.

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 03 December 2017 :  4:23:14 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi Fussy, yea I'm ok thanks, sorry I did'nt make it here last Sunday, had to go with the boss to pick up some stock, I kept hoping I'd be back in time to pop in here, but we got held up at every turn and by the time we finally got back to the farm it was far too late to drive down here because everything had closed and everybody else was in bed But never mind, I'm here now

Ooh that's a lot of visitors all at once if we had that many people drop in on us half of them would have to sit outside So there'll be 13 people there including you and Liz, hmm, good job it's Christmas time not Easter, look what happened last time 13 people sat down for supper around Easter time (only kidding if anybody "up there" is listening )

We're having some weird flipping weather lately for sure, quite a bit of snow in some of the hilly areas such as the beacons and the Preselis, but other parts of the country have been quite warm or so I heard. It hasn't been too bad around here today, but it's been b****y cold sometimes at night. And in just three weeks it'll be Christmas Eve again, the year seems to have flown by. Wonder if we'll have a white Christmas this year.

Oh well, better make the obligatory visit to facebook now I suppose, see if anything interesting's been happening in the two weeks I've been away Thanks for this week's treats Fussy -- and for last weeks too - they were still here waiting for me in a little secret storage compartment

Have a nice time with your visitors and take care until next week (fingers crossed we do'nt get snowed in before then )

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10 December 2017 :  2:05:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry once again. I had already typed you quite a few words when I had to dash downstairs to answer a phone call. So I didn't sign off here but when I came back up my whole message had disappeared, so I hope you
received it.
So, I better drop your treats now in case there's going to be another b****y snag. Hold your bag ready. Here goes Bwmmmp, a Budweiser this week, 4 Teasers for the 'gaffers' and Flllippp...a large Ferrero Rocher for your deeply loved wife. She will like that remark. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Sorry about this slip-up today Larry. It was No: 4UBN8T and it is on the top of this window. When I clicked it, nothing happened so I didn't want to b****r things up.
See you next week. Take care pal.

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 10 December 2017 :  4:44:14 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Howdy Fussy,does'nt seem to be any sign of any prevous messages from earlier today, so it must have been sucked into the great beyond along with all the other stuff that disappears from here

Been bloody chilly here this past week, we've even seen a bit of snow around the area, but from what I hear on the news some places have had quite a lot of it. Had a Christmas card from one of the relatives yesterday and they say they've had a few inches where they are. I like to see a bit of snow at Christmas but it's not so great when you have to get up for work at 4 in the morning, or when your out on the hills looking for missing livestock I'll be able to enjoy it more when I retire Although the way things are going at the moment I'm starting to wonder if I ever will, by the time I get to the present retirement age they'll probably have raised it to 100

I keep wondering why the title of this topic is 4UBN8T, I thought maybe it was some sort of secret code or an acronym for something rude

So, only two weeks from today and it'll be Christmas Eve, hard to believe it's been almost a whole year since the last one. We've got the decorations up (such as they are, most of them are getting a bit decrepit) and I think we've got most of the kids presents -- but it's flipping hard to find somewhere to hide them in such a small living space But it's not where you are that matters is it, it's who you spend it with that counts

Oh well, it's facebook time of the week again, so I'd better pop in and pay my respects. Thanks for the treats, look after yourself and unless we get 6 foot of snow I'll see you next week

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Administrator & Miserable Old Fart !

United Kingdom
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Posted - 17 December 2017 :  3:03:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit Pauline's Homepage Send Pauline a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi folks, remember me ? I know I haven't been around very much lately, but between this blooming laptop driving me bonkers and a lot of other problems I never seem to get around to it (and it also depresses the **** out of me that there's never anybody here except Fussy and Larry at the weekends ) I've thought several times of giving the site up -- and even more so since we lost all those hundreds of old posts a few months back, thirteen years of memories all wiped out in a flash, that really depressed me ) But I just can't bring myself to admit defeat yet.

Anyway, we're still alive and kicking for the moment (well, I'm still breathing anyway ) so I've gone into Christmas mode to try and cheer the site (and myself) up a bit. I'm just an overgrown kid when it comes to Christmas decorations -- I love listening to Christmas carols too and I've recorded umpteen Christmas films to watch I'm looking forward to my Christmas dinner too, I might not be able to eat a whole turkey by myself, but whatever I get I'm sure the ladies will help me to eat the leftovers

I'm off to finish washing a pile of dishes now, I've been neglecting them lately because I've been concentrating on Christmas stuff. I made a start on them yesterday, but I got distracted, so I'll try and finish them today. Both living rooms are looking quite good now, and so is the outside of the house, but the kitchen looks like a tip Hope you like my Christmas decorations

By the way, you've probably noticed that I've changed the heading of this topic. I never even knew where that old title came from

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 17 December 2017 :  3:04:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Larry.
Well, it's a hell of a day here today, raining like hell and icy cold. But we are better off than those poor folk in the Californian area watching their houses scorched to the ground. It must be just like Hell upon Earth for them, and not only for losing their home but the loss of so much private possessions, and loss of pets and other animals.
I don't know what the hell happened to my 4UBN8T message last week, I've tried to recover it but no luck. Nothing surprises me anymore.
We had another busy few hours yesterday, a visit from 2 of my granddaughters Tracey and Debbie and their children (see them often on Facebook) So we will be 'attacked' again this week by the rest of our family, son and daughter, and their children. I sometimes forget how many there are to remember....5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren (I think) Ha! Ha! Ha!
Right, go get your holder bag. Here goes, Blwwwmp, a Guinness. And 4 Teasers for the 'bosses' and a large tray of Ferrero Rocher for SHE who runs the house and keeps you all well fed. Ho! Ho! Ho! She will appreciate that.
Take care pal, I am not sure I'll be able to be here next Sunday to drop you a few lines, but here's wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas full of laughter and smiling faces.

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 17 December 2017 :  4:54:04 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well a very good afternoon to you both, Fussy AND Pauline It's a nice surprise to have two people to reply to this week The site is looking great this week too, very Christmassy, the lights ar almost dazzling me, Lol

Pauline, I don't blame you for feeling down about the lack of members on here these days, we've lost so many over the years, some who sadly died and others who just disappeared for one reason or another, but I really hope that you do'nt give it up. Oh I know I could still chat to you and Fussy and Bob on facebook, but it's not the same. Facebook is just huge and impersonal, this site is more cosy and intimate and coming here every Sunday has been a part of my life for so long that it would feel like losing an old and dear friend if you closed it down

Yes I noticed that you'd changed the title of this topic, that old title 4UBN8T always puzzled me, I kept trying to work out if it was a coded message or something

We've had some pretty lousy weather here too Fussy, there has been some snow around the area, but in many ways that's easier to cope with than never-ending rain and wind, it's not nice when the wind blows the rain into your wellies It never ceases to surprise me though how the weather can be so different in places that are only a few miles apart. One of my mates who lives a few miles to the North-east of here had quite a lot of snow last week, but another pal who lives south of us nearer to the coast said it had been quite sunny where he lives. It's queer innit

You've got quite a lot of relatives there Fussy, and nice that they all keep in touch It'll be a few years yet before I have any grandchildren (at least it had better be -- I've told my girls that they're not even going to be allowed to go out on dates until they're at least 30 )

Well it's Christmas Eve next Sunday is'nt it! All being well (and barring blizzerds and 6 foot snowdrifts) I will still pop down here for my weekly visit, but it may be a bit earlier in the day than usual as I've promised her indoors to help her with some stuff later in the day (or to be exact, I was told that if I did'nt help her I'd get beaten to death with a very large turkey )

Thanks for the Guinness, the teasers and the Ferrero Rocher Fussy, I managed to catch them all in my bag Look after yourselves and hope to see you again next week

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Posted - 19 December 2017 :  5:48:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My thanks to Bob and Pauline for your lovely Christmas cards. Hope you both have a happy, enjoyable and healthy time.

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Administrator & Miserable Old Fart !

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Posted - 23 December 2017 :  3:42:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit Pauline's Homepage Send Pauline a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Glad it arrived safely. Thank you for yours too, lovely as usual, Liz is a very clever lady And thank you for yours too Bob, love the picture, if I knew where you lived I could send one back !

Well I've been in a real dither here lately with lights conking out and things going wrong, but the good news is that my new sofas and chairs are due to be delivered tomorrow I wasn't expecting them to arrive on Christmas Eve and a Sunday at that, so I was thrilled when I got the message They're coming quite early tomorrow morning, so I'll have to set my alarm, but Tom and Tommy are popping in later tomorrow, so they can help me to re-arrange everything after the delivery men have been

I'll try and pop back in tomorrow to let you know how it goes, and if everything works out I'll post some photos of the new furniture on Facebook The dogs will have to wear slippers in future -- at the moment they're shut in the conservatory to dry off after being in the garden getting soaking wet and muddy. I'm really fed-up with this blooming weather now

Anyway, just incase I get too busy to come back tomorrow, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas

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Larry Lamb
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Posted - 24 December 2017 :  6:09:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit Larry Lamb's Homepage Send Larry Lamb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thought I was going to be here earlier than usual this week, but things did'nt work out exactly as planned so I'm a bit later instead, can't stop long either because I promised the better half that I'd be back to help her and if I'm late she'll have my guts for garters, but never mind, at least I managed to get here in time to wish you a Merry Christmas

Hope your new furniture arrived as planned Pauline, I'll look out for the pics on facebook

Better go now, hope you all have a great Christmas, and just incase I don't get here next Sunday, a Happy New Year to everyone

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